
Sinolong New Material

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and lead enterprises to achieve higher quality development with high-quality party building, we have created the party building brand - "film centripetal force.

Party building brand concept

The moral of“Film centripetal force”is to firmly support the leadership of the Party, fully leverage the battleground role of Party organizations at all levels and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, with the "Red Spirit of the Party" as the core, and continuously enhance the centripetal force of learning and education, technological innovation competitiveness, humanistic care cohesion, and social responsibility influence

We have formed the "1+4" party building work method (i.e., 1 core+4 exemplary forces), united and led all party members, cadres, and employees to continue to deeply cultivate the industrial ecology centered on films, and contribute material technology to the global competitiveness improvement of China's new materials industry and the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country.

Party building work system

Guided by the "1+4" Party building work method,
carries out its work from four aspects: operation and management, scientific and technological innovation, cultural construction, and charity and public welfare

Branch profile

Party building news

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